I got fairy floss (or cotton candy as Americans call it) for my birthday! |
Pictures from the Solidarność Museum |
Sister Smith and I visiting Wioletta in hospital |
And we went to the Hard Rock Cafe and I got my favourite drink ever
:D (it's like pineapple and strawberry and stuff- so good!)- and Sister
Taggart made me a necklace for my birthday too :D |
For culture
night we went to a park near a forest, and had kiełbasa (polish sausage)
and smores, and went for a bit of a walk through the forest |
Dinner at a member's place- I've actually sort of come to like the taste of pickles, strangely enough! |
Us at the Taggart's place yesterday for dinner |
Then we went tracting and found where Eminem lives in Poland! |
This morning I read a really
cute letter from Maddie. She asked me why I wanted to be in Poland and
why I wanted to be a missionary. I hope she understands my response, but
if she doesn't, then I hope that you all know why I'm here :) I love
being in Poland, and I know that I was sent here by a prophet of our
Heavenly Father. I love and am so grateful for the many opportunities
I've had to work amongst the different members here, and among those who
are not of our faith too. I've been so blessed to see greater light
come into my own life, through studying and pondering the scriptures,
through prayer and receiving personal revelation from God. It has been
made so clear to me since being on my mission, what a difference the
gospel makes in people's lives. It's not just a belief system, being in
the Church- it's a whole lifestyle- it forms the way we make our
choices, and our perspective on everything just has such deep meaning.
We know that families can be together forever. We know that repentance
and forgiveness are not only possible, but are
essential to our
eternal progression and happiness. We know that life is a place for
learning, and that's what's going to come with us after this mortal
experience. The relationships we have with people matter, because we
know that they can last forever.
Yesterday we had sort of a
milestone in our branch! Sister Smith and I together with the Primary
President (who is currently an American senior missionary, Sister
Taggart) organised a Primary/Young Women's Presentation for Sacrament
Meeting, and it went so well! There are 3 Primary kids and 1 Young Woman
in our branch, so we made up a type of script over the past couple of
months, based on the topics from the Primary curriculum for this year
(and from responses from the children themselves), and sung a few songs
in between. Apparently this is the first time this has ever happened in
the Gdańsk Branch, so it was awesome that it went so well! The kids sung
and spoke beautifully, the Spirit at the beginning and throughout the
entire meeting was so strong and sweet, and it was wonderful listening
to the simple truths of the restored gospel, laid out in such plainness.
I am so grateful for the mothers, who are such good examples for their
children in bringing them up with the knowledge of these truths. It's
such a joy having children in the branch- they just bring a wonderful
5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."I'm
so grateful for the lights in my life, the wonderful examples I see
from good people every day- whether it be my companion, other
missionaries, investigators, older members in the branch or the kids :)
week we're preparing for a fireside on the Restoration that we have
coming up on Saturday. Then it'll be transfer calls, and we'll actually
be moving around on Monday, so Tuesday will be our p-day. I have no idea
if I'll stay or go, but I know that Sister Smith and I have done a
great work these past 4 months together. I love the feeling in the
branch when we meet with the members on the Sabbath Day (oh, I just
remembered, there's a cute video from the church-
A Day to Focus on What Matters Most).
We recently had a couple of Priesthood holders come back from their
first trip to the temple. They went to Germany with many other Polish
saints, and got to meet a lot of other European members too! It was so
cool seeing these members on church on Sunday- they were just
and I knew it was because they had been in the Lord's house and have
been strengthened by the sacred covenants they've made with Him there.
It's such a beautiful thing to know that Poland is filled with strong
and faithful members of Christ's church.
we had a lot of other incredible miracles happen this week, I'll tell
you all about them some time in the future haha :D I hope you all have a
fantastic week!
Love from Sestra Grgić <3333333333333