Travelling to Bydgoszcz for Zone Training- we sung primary songs on the train :) |
Sister Smith and I posing in the mirror- back in the Gdansk flat :D
Oh look what I found tracting- a cat! "Nachoooooooo" |
We were tracting when it started to rain (I straightened my hair that morning- probably won't my time doing that again!) |
The car says "Gday".. sort of! |
We went searching for a former investigator- their address was an empty block of land! :( |
Sister Smith and I on a tram |
Me playing guitar at a Relief Society activity (Klaudia, a primary girl in our branch took the photo) |
And that would be Klaudia squeezing my face and making me take a photo hehe :D |
Wow it almost feels like a whole day since I
last saw your faces on Skype ;) hehe That was such a blessing being able
to see you all and just talk and laugh, I love you all so much! It was
actually a little stressful for me yesterday, I've been struggling a
little bit with knowing how to help the branch, when sometimes it feels
like I'm not appreciated for my efforts (it can be hard enough dealing
with the rejection on the streets from strangers, so I really don't need
any more negativity)- but knowing that you all believe in me, knowing
that my Father in Heaven sees the work I do that no one else knows
about, knowing that I have a companion who loves me and is such a great
friend and example to me, having so many friends all over the world that
love and support me, really brings me back to reality that I am a
daughter of God and I have been so incredibly blessed in my life. I am
so grateful to be serving in this branch at this time, I truly love the
members and I really want to help them strengthen the branch- sometimes
it can be hard for us to trust in God's timing, but when I work the best
I know how, and rely on the Lord to uplift me and allow him to use me
as a faithful servant and friend, I know that I am pleasing Him, and He
will allow me to be a blessing in the lives of others. So I just want to
say thank you so much for being so supportive to me :) I love you!
past week we went to Bydgoszcz (again! I feel like it's my second
Poland home) for Zone Training. We had a beautiful lesson/training
prepared by the leaders of our Zone, and had the privilege of being
there with President Edgren as well. We learnt about self-progression
and how to apply the things we learn in our day-to-day missionary lives,
and particularly focused on our finding efforts and how we can have
more people to teach the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
On the train ride there and back, I had my guitar, so my companion and I
played/sung some songs out of the primary songbook (we prepared a song
for Mother's Day, and a musical item for a Relief Society activity we
had later on in the week). It was really fun, and really uplifting.
After reading my patriarchal blessing again, I feel a strong desire to
use more of my unique talents in the missionary work (particularly I'm
thinking about how I can use music to bring others to Christ), so Sister
Smith and I are both working hard to utilise our different abilities in
the most effective way possible.
Speaking of Sister Smith-
she's absolutely great! We have been working so hard this past couple of
weeks, and it is just such a joy to be with her. We have been teaching
people on the streets, setting up lessons, teaching in homes, working to
find former investigators, trying to be creative with our finding
approaches, and always planning and going about our day with the Spirit-
it can be hard with all the disappointments, but we are not discouraged
and always have the Comforter with us, which help us in those difficult
times. We laugh a lot too, which has proven super helpful in keeping us
sane. We have a pretty similar sense of humour, and that has been a
great blessing to me!
Last week we went out looking for a
former investigator married couple (from a few years ago)- they seemed
super awesome but unfortunately lived far away, and the phone number
didn't work anymore so we decided to give them a visit. So we planned a
day to go out after English class, and the senior couple the Shaws were
nice enough to drive us out there. After the long drive, we got the
street and are looking for number 18. So we see 22... 20... ok good
close... vacant, grassy land, and number 16. Huh?? So they park the car
and we get out looking around for number 18... nothing. So we knock on
the neighbours' doors- one lady says number 18 indeed exists, and that
it is the vacant land next door. She'd never heard of the couple's names
that had apparently lived there before.. :/ So that was an interesting
day! haha, well sometimes you just have to laugh at these situations and
take a photo with a frowny face in front of the vacant land! ;)
this past week we've met some really cool people, we're hoping to meet
with some of them within the upcoming week, and hopefully we can start
teaching and helping these people learn more about the gospel and
progress towards baptism. We've been to a lot of new areas (as per
counsel given by our mission president) and have been finding a lot of
success with that. We are continuing to try and teach families who can
build and uplift each other in their spiritual progression, and are
praying for help with that all the time. The work is going forward, and I
feel so privileged to be a missionary at this time in my life. Every
sacrifice is worth it when it is for the Lord :)
Keep being
wonderful examples in the different wards where you serve, and never
forget the ability you have to influence others and change their lives
for the better. Love you all so much!
Siostra Grgich
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