There's a big street here called Startowa (it's pronounced like how an Aussie would say "start over" hehe) |
This is a photo of our district at Malbor |
Sister Smith and I at Mabork |
Sister Smith and I with a little boy we met with his mum in the park (he
came up and was like "Can I play your guitar?" so yeah, that's how we
met hehe) :D |
Sister Smith and I at the beach |
We went with the Elders to Park Oliwski to talk to people about the
Church. We have these super cool banners the mission bought recently-
they're easy to out up so it's great! |
Sister Smith and I have been visiting a former investigator Wioletta in
the hospital for the past few weeks. We sing her songs and chat, and she
always makes us smile! |

This week we had an exchange! Sister Smith went to
Bydgoszcz (yes mum, that place you love to not say haha) and Sister
Woodward (from our MTC group) came up to Gdansk with me. We had a great
time together, and I learnt a lot from Sister Woodward. We found a
couple of potential investigators, got water dumped on us while tracting
(we were at the domophone, and someone leant out their window of the
apartment block and dumped a bucket of water on us)- luckily they
missed, and it only got like our arms wet haha. It was really good
getting to talk with another missionary and learn from her experiences
(I haven't seen her much since the MTC).
On Thursday,
Sister Smith and I went to a member's house to practice a musical item
for Sacrament Meeting- we sung Teach Me To Walk in the Light (Naucz Mnie
Chodzić ze
Światłem) and we sung it yesterday- it
was so great and we loved being with the member (she doesn't always get
to come to church because of work). We had a lot of people at church
yesterday- right before Sacrament Meeting, a family of 7 from Finland
came in and it practically doubled the size of our branch haha. It was
pretty cool, it was just a big reminder to me about how important
families are, and how families are
so blessed by the Restored
Gospel- that's what life's all about! We are all children of our loving
Heavenly Father, and our goal is to return with Him and our families to
be happy for eternity. Families really are at the centre of everything
in God's plan. This message is for everyone, and everyone who lives
trying to be obedient and God's commandments, even if circumstances on
this earth don't allow, will have the wonderful blessing of being with
their families forever. I love that I've grown up seeing so many great
examples of loving families- I know that there is no better way to raise
a family than based on the gospel of Jesus Christ. If only everyone
knew that, the world would be an incredibly finer place!
Friday we went on the street with the Elders and set up with a board
for people to write on- it said "Jestem wdzięczny za.." (I'm grateful
for...)- we were able to talk to a lot of people so that was a fun and
different experience! Later that evening we went to a former
investigator's home (she hadn't been met with in 15 years) and her
parents still lived there and let us in! They fed us and spoke to us
about their daughter and their lives and Poland end everything. Their
daughter lives in a different city now, so we'll try and get in contact
with her again and see if she's interested in meeting with missionaries.
But yeah, her parents were so nice! Sister Smith and I were in shock a
little, from how incredibly nice this couple were. So that was a great
experience, and we're hoping to meet with them again in the future to
talk more about the church (the wife is really interested in genealogy
and she knew that our church has a lot to do with that, so we'll try and
help her in the near future with that!)
Ok we actually had
some other really great experiences in the week but I've sort of run
out of time, so I'll talk to you next week! Love you so much!
Sister Grgich
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