Sister Bąk and I on Długa in front of Neptune |
we thought to be creative haha.. for the record the snow didn't stick long :((((
my fingers were ready to freeze though haha (then I started using my heels)
decided to leave some spiritual messages in the snow on the way home haha |
Sister Wood and I in front of Neptune (in the Gdańsk Old Town) |
Me and the district at the Shaw's house for Sunday lunch/dinner |
Sister Bąk and I sitting on a tram |
Sister Bąk and I in Gdańsk- look at all that Polishness! |
Hi Family!
This week we've had
some crazy weather! SOO windy, it's sort of crazy. I think it's settled
down now though, so no problemo! I'm so glad that there are gonna be 3
return missionaries from Poland in Australia- it'll be cool to catch up
on all that Polish goodness! (ok technically 5 when you include the
Ireland's of course!).
This week we got to meet up with
Basia- an older member in our branch who we haven't seen in a little
while. We had been ringing her to try and set up a time to visit, but
never got in touch with her. So we decided to head over to her house and
she was home! We had a beautiful visit and spoke about how Christ and
His gospel brings light into our lives. (we shared Alma 19:6- it's
pretty cool to think about how blessed we are to have so much
light/purpose/comfort in our lives!). Then later that night we went
tracting in an area called "Twarda" which literally means 'hard' (as in a
hard surface) and we ring the domophone and get let in! Then we go
upstairs and there's a YSA aged guy who says he's interested in our
message :D Yay, then he asked his neighbours if they were interested,
but they said no :( But all good, because we had a great lesson with
him, and left him with a Book of Mormon and hopefully we'll teach him
again soon!
Later in the week we did some more tracting
(we go almost every day) and found quite a few people who were
interested in hearing from us, so that was super cool! Maybe people have
been making New Years Resolutions to be friendlier to the missionaries
;) Really though, we're keeping our expectations high and are always
trying to find those people who are ready to accept the Gospel in their
lives. Our tripanionship always talks about how the people of Poland
desperately need the light of the Gospel.
It's sometimes a little gloomy here, and even we can get a little down.
But then we realise, maybe we're feeling a little glimpse of what
Polish people feel- after all they've gone through with government and
wars, it's gotta be tough! So I try and give people a smile and make
their lives a little brighter when I can. I know some people might look
at what we do as missionaries and say "Well what's the point, are you
really making a diference?" and I can proudly say "Yes!" I know that the
individual matters to God. I know that we all have the potential to
make other's lives a little brighter. I'm so grateful for the
individuals that have blessed me in so many ways.
This week
we got to have a visit from our Mission President and his wife. They
bought us lunch and we spoke about how the work's going in Gdańsk. We
all came away feeling uplifted and eager to work together for the good
of the branch and our area. It seems so simple, just having a short
visit and someone talking to you, but I can honestly say it helps! I'm
so grateful for our inspired leaders who pray for us and are given
revelation from Heavenly Father of how to help us fulfill our duties and
be happy :). God knows what we need and always answers our prayers-
don't forget it!
I'm so grateful for all your support- it keeps me strong and keeps me going.
All my love,
Siostra Grgich
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