This is us at the rynek (city plaza/square) |
Sister Bak is in Bydgoszcz for the day with SIster Antczak and I |
50s Style Diner |
Taking out the trash! (the bag was actually from the senior missionary
couple in Gdansk, they gave me a present before I left- I miss them!) |
Sister Antczak, a member Ewa and I. (Ewa is friends with the Irelands and loves Australia :D) |
My companion and I with the Branch President |
My companion and I, with Elder Whiting |
A member from Bydgoszcz and her grandson with my companion Sister Antczak and I |
the Sunday School teacher and his granddaughter. Bydgoszcz is a beautiful branch! |
This week I found out I'll be leaving Bydgoszcz! Sad
news, because I love it here, but I'm also excited to serve in Warsaw
:). I'll be in the 2nd branch (so there are 2 branches, the first meets
at the actual chapel, and the second meets at a rented building). My
companion will be Sister Johnston, and she's actually in the same MTC
group as Sister Antczak. I'm excited to get to meet new members and
missionaries, and I'm hopeful that we'll find lots of people to teach!
at church, I gave a talk about what we need to do to go to the temple.
It was hard for me at first, because I didn't have a lot of time to
write it (and of course it was in Polish) but I think I was able to do a
good job, and I bore my testimony about the importance of temples, and
how grateful I am that my parents were married and sealed for eternity
in one of God's holy houses. We had a great lesson from an enthusiastic
Sunday School teacher about the Sermon on the Mount. It reminded me how
important it is to make sure we're living as Christ lived and would live
if He were in our situations. I've been blessed with an incredible
companion these past couple of weeks- she's shown me so much Christ-like
love and is always serving others! It just makes me want to be better,
and I know that sometimes the best missionary work we can do, is to live
by example. Others see that light and are drawn to the Saviour because
of our good works. It's a win-win situation where everyone is happy!
after church I also got to talk to a member named Ewa, and she knows
the Ireland's! She's really cool and is planning on going to Australia
for a holiday, but unfortunately I probably won't be back home soon
enough to see her there. I told her she'd probably see you though at the
temple, because you're like almost always there :D Oh that reminds me, I
found out, I think I won't be coming home until after Christmas this
year, (maybe like 1 day before the New Year or something like that) so I
hope you enjoy another Summer Aussie Christmas without me! ;) I;m
really so blessed to be serving my mission in Poland, the people are
amazing, the culture is so rich, and I'm even getting used to the
weather! I think when you experience so many miracles as well, it's sort
of hard not to love the place just by association in your mind of all
the good memories.
Well today we're going to the Soap
Museum (oh yes, I'm sure it'll be as exciting as it sounds haha) and
then we'll have dinner with an American family the Kagele's (they're so
awesome!) so I'm looking forward to that. I'll let you know how
everything goes next week, when I'll be in Warsaw!
Love you so much,
Siostra Grgich
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