Elders Quackenbush and Jeffs (from my MTC intake) and Sister Wood and I at Zone Conference in Bydgoszcz last week |
A super-awesomely decorated envelope courtesy of my amazing sister Kate
:) I carry it around in my bag and show it off to everyone haha |
Me in front of a statue in the Gdansk Old Town (just felt like I should) |
Sister Wood and I in the Solidarity (Solidarność) Museum at the back of a
battery-powered truck (it might be a replica, I don't really know) |
Standing on some stairs in the museum |
The roof was a giant mirror, so of course we had to take a selfie |
Bet you didn't know I was a camerawoman... and that carpet is actually hard floor |
A photo of our district at the round table in the Solidarity Museum |
Today we decided to do something
cultural/educational again for p-day, so we went to the Solidarność
(Solidarity) Museum in Gdansk with the elders in our district. Basically
it's about how Poland came out of communism in the 80s, and the museum
itself is located on a historically important shipyard site, where they
say the Solidarity movement in Poland started (with protests and
workers' strikes). It was cool to go around the different exhibitions
and learn about how the Polish people worked together for freedom and
better living circumstances. At the end of the museum, there was even a
section about how other countries have worked for freedom (particularly
from communism/socialism) and I saw an interesting film about
Yugoslavia. It was pretty funny looking at all these photos from the
70s, and so many people looked like dad! With his moustache and afro
hair and 70s clothes hehehe (I guess Slavic people sort of look the
same). Anyway, it was pretty awesome and educating, so I was glad to
finally go and see that today.
This past week when
tracting, there was one day where on 2 seperate occasions, a person
mistook me for their friend or relative haha. So one door we knocked on,
and an older lady answers and her eyes widen and she smiles as she
looks at me, and says "you look like my niece!" hahah but unfortunately I
had to tell her that I'm not. After explaining that we were
missionaries and wanted to share a gospel message, she looked slightly
less happy haha, but was still super friendly and wished us good luck on
our way. Then on that same day, we're tracting another building and an
older lady again looks at me and smiles so big and says something about
me being her friend, and asks where I'm living now hahaha. I
unfortunately had to tell her the bad news that I'm not her friend that
she thinks I am hehe, but the good news that we're missionaries! (she
looked really confused). Anyway, so conclusion- I look like a Polish
girl yay! We're actually hoping to do some more tracting this coming
week- we've been having some interesting experiences, so hopefully
someone will let us teach them again in their home :)
week we're planning on visiting a lot of less-actives in our branch, to
try and get to know them (I'm making ANZAC bikkies and my companion will
make banana cake to give them)- so we're really excited about seeing
some new faces and maybe reaching someone who needs a little friendship
and sisterly love. We've also spoken about doing a musical fireside- so
it's still on the agenda! I'll be sure to let you know how that goes (I
love music!). Every morning as a companionship, we sing a hymn together
and I play the chords on guitar. There's also a member who lives not too
far from us, and we visit her and sing songs while I play, and it's
super nice to just enjoy the music together. Music can be so uplifting,
so thank you mum and dad for bringing me up in the best household ever!
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