I spilt a whole tub of powder makeup and I felt sad. true story. |
Me in front of the Wielkie Młyn (Great Mill) around the corner from the Gdansk chapel |
Sister Wood and I in our winter gear (it's so cold!!) |
Left to right/od lewo
Siostra Wood, Siostra Grgich, Starszy Kimball, Arek, Starszy Platter, friend from Turkey, Kuba
This week was really nice. My companion, Sister Wood and I
made plans to visit as many people from the ward (including
less-actives) as possible in the week. I made ANZAC bikkies and Sister
Wood made Banana Cake, then we printed out spiritual thoughts from last
General Conference and put them with the treats. We got to meet some new
people and see some old faces, and it felt good to just talk with these
people about life and the gospel. The main message we wanted to bring
was one of unity and charity, and we encouraged everyone to make a
conscious effort to serve others each day, so I encourage you to do the
same! I remember when I was in Germany, and the missionaries had a
similar lesson with me, and gave me a commitment to seek for
opportunities to do at least one act of service each day- I felt a big
change in myself after doing that. I'd say nothing takes away the blues
faster than lifting up someone else.
Yesterday was a
really nice Sabbath. Recently the amount of people coming to Sacrament
Meeting have been sort of dwindling (maybe it's the Winter, but I don't
know) but yesterday we had quite a few people which was nice to see
(there were a few guests). There were still of course some missing
faces, but we just keep praying for them and let them know that we love
them, and hopefully they'll have the desire and ability to come next
time. There's a German man (not a member) who used to come every week
without fail, but he hasn't come for a while now, so last week I called
him but didn't get an answer. Last night he called back but we were
asleep, so this morning I rang and we had a good conversation in German
(he doesn't speak Polish). I told him the branch misses him and the
members ask about him (which is true) and it was good to hear that he
has good feelings towards the members and missionaries. Sometimes it's
hard to know how we can help others, but 1 thing I know and have learnt,
is that it's just important to really care about people, be their
friend and continue to love them no matter what. I've definitely seen
when I go through hard times, friends have been a great means of support
and it's often their encouragement that motivates me to keep pushing
In the evening after church and having dinner with the
senior missionary couple here, we decided to visit a man we met at his
flat on Saturday tracting. He had told us at the time we first met him,
that he was busy but that we could come back. So we did, and we ended up
having a good lesson about the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus
Christ and we're going to meet with him again this week. It was pretty
incredible to have someone actually listen and be fairly agreeable with
what we were teaching- I hadn't had an experience like that before on my
mission. He said he didn't really believe in God, basically because
he's seen quite a few hardships and hasn't seen how God's been of help,
so we bore our testimonies of the reality of Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ and we know that as he learns more, he too can find out of their
reality. I hope that we can continue to teach him, and see how having
the basic knowledge of who Jesus Christ is and what it means to know
that He suffered and died for us, can change this man's life for the
better. I'm so grateful that you, my parents, brought me up with a
knowledge of God's love and how we can communicate with Him through
prayer. Those basic principles are truly what's kept me grounded in
life- just knowing that there is indeed a Savior Jesus Christ, we
can live with our families together forever, we
can be forgiven of our sins as we repent, and there
is real purpose to this life that extends after the grave. Life is beautiful and meaningful :)
week has been really cold, dark and in general, just gloomy so I hope
you're having a wonderful time in that Sydney sunshine! I was showing
some family photos to a member the other day, and she said you look nice
mum and dad! I hope you're getting everything settled at baba's and I
hope dad's not being too loud with his guitars ;). Love you so much!
Siostra Grgich
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