This week was pretty tough I've gotta admit, but I just love trials because they make us stronger!
So it's a pretty common thing for people to say that any problems
you've had pre-mission, will magnify and really manifest themselves once
you're out serving. And I certainly can testify to that! (don't worry
though, I'm dealing!) I guess it's mostly my fault, because I've been
praying a lot for ways to improve and be a better missionary, and I know
that if we always stay the same and never fix our problems, then we
will never grow and then there would be no point to life, because we
wouldn't ever improve. SO trials=growth and are therfore, necessary.
ANYWAY, I'm sure I've got plenty more trials to come, but this week,
probably the hardest thing for me has been talking to people. I know you
would probably think "What? Sonya having a hard time talking to
people?" but yeah, it's apparently a problem! So this week, I've been
studying a lot about courage and confidence, and I've found some really
interesting stories in the scriptures. I particularly love in Alma
26:27, when he says
"Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about
to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy
brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I
will give unto you success."
I know that God has many a time in the past, blessed me with
an ability to talk to people (even strangers) and have uplifting
conversations with them. So why should I give up now, just because I'm
struggling for a time with talking to people about such a beautiful
message of the Gospel? I shouldn't. Sometimes yes, it is super hard,
when day after day, you try to talk to people whom you love, and they
turn you away immediately, just because you're wearing a nametag. The
hardest part really isn't anything about feeling personally offended,
but knowing that these people could learn something so special, and
won't give it the chance. I'm so grateful for my amazing companion who
is always encouraging me and giving me tips on how to keep the faith and
stay strong, even when it's hard to see the fruits of your efforts
right away.
I'm so grateful for our branch here too! I've been getting to
know the members better, and they are just the coolest bunch of people.
It definitely gives me motivation to invite more people to come to the
branch, and I keep joking with Sister Montesinos (my companion) that one
day there'll be a Gdansk Temple because of all the members that will be
here :) We're actually pretty multicultural which is super cool. We
also get a lot of tourists around here, so we get to meet members from
all over the world, and I love it!
Ok, well we're going to head out with the Elders and
Senior Missionaries today to play beach volleyball so I gotta go. I love
you so much and can't wait to hear from you next week!
In Front Of Stalin's Tower |
The Missionaries in my District (apart from the Shaws a senior Couple) |
My Companion and I In Front of an Old Gate That Used To Be The Entrance To Gdansk |
Sister Bak and I Being Crazy In Warsaw Waiting For Visas |
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