I made some Oblatne! (bosnian treat!) My companion loves it :D |
Vegemite Cadbury- that's certainly not your average cadbury chocolate block! |
I got a package from Australia! |
Sister Smith and I during culture night |
By the old town with Sister Smith |
On the Ferris wheel |
Reading the General Conference Liahona! |
Tim Tam slams, eating chocolate on dluga street (hahah you know me),
tracting by a really pretty field, musical free table (finding activity)
in a pedestrian tunnel, playing the guitar at our branch annual picnic
activity, we made pass-along cards in Polish about how things in the
Bible in regars to the Book of Mormon, photos from last p-day at the
beach in Sopot (playing volleyball and my guitar) |
Photos from culture night (ferris wheel, bumper cars, the old town of Gdansk etc.) |
Sister Smith and I with Marinella (member in our branch) |
Sister Smith and I eating dinner at the Shaw's |
I'm going to keep this one short because I sent you a
bunch of photos and we all know that photos speak themselves hahah,
well sometimes!
This week we had many beautiful
opportunities of serving others and building our own testimonies. We've
been trying out new methods of finding people- for example, we posted up
flyers on boards around the city (they have places where it's legal and
free, near tram and bus stops) inviting people to meet with the
missionaries to find out about what 'mormons' believe. We're just
testing the waters at the moment, but it seems to be working at least
somewhat- we had a call from someone who's interested, and we've also
been seeing people looking at the flyers as we post them (we try to talk
to them of course too right there!). We took parts straight from the
website in Polish, about what to expect from meeting with missionaries,
and made little rip-off tabs at the bottom for people to have our
number and address of the chapel. We also have an invitation for people
to come to church on Sunday on the main flyer. So we'll see if this
brings any more interested people!
We've also been trying
different street approaches, we've been able to meet with some members
and former investigators. Sister Smith and I have felt a lot of unity in
our teaching, and we feel like just at the close of this transfer,
we've really got into a good swing. We're hoping that we'll stay
together for next transfer, but we won't find out until later this week,
and then we'll be transfering on Sunday (if at all), because we'll be
in Warsaw over the weekend for a 25th anniversary of the Poland mission
rededication. I'm super excited about seeing members from all over, and I
hope I get to see some of the people I've been priveleged to meet
during my times serving in Bydgoszcz and the Warsaw 2 branch. It'll be a
great experience for all the members I'm sure- I love Poland and I have
so much pride for this beautiful country! (in the best way possible!) I
just have so much motivation and enthusiasm for the Lord's work, I know
that His kingdom will roll forth, and I am so blessed to be able to
help with the missionary efforts for God's children in Poland.
also, we received the General Conference edition of the Liahona in
English yesterday, I've already been devouring it! I really encourage
you to go over the talks again (if you haven't already) and really think
how you can apply the counsel of our modern prophets and leaders of the
church. We are so blessed to have continuing revelation for the Lord's
church, and we should never take that for granted!
2 Nephi 32:3
"Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."
Thank you for being such an amazing family, have a wonderful week!
Love Sister Grgich
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