Sister Smith (MTC comp) and I. This is with Elder Hon (my Zone Leader) photo bombing in the background |
This is Sister Kuchar and I talking with Elder Charles (he was presiding at our Zone Conference). |
All of my MTC sisters reunited (except for Sister Woodward- not sure why we didn't get her in the photo!) |
Sister Kuchar and I at Zone Conference in the Warsaw chapel |
Hi Family! This week I went to Bydgoszcz again! I got to serve
with Sister Antczak (she's in her first transfer, and from Texas and is
super awesome and sings Australian songs with me) while her companion
Sister Owen went to Gdansk and stayed with my companions. We had a
really cool experience, we spoke to some people on the streets, sung
some songs, taught English class, met some more cool people and then had
a great lesson with a Ukrainian girl named Ola who's preparing to be
baptised soon, and a member from the branch. I had such a great time and
I learnt so much from the other missionaries there :) We prepared a
lesson about how to get answers from the scriptures, and it went really
well! We were able to teach about how it's important to pray with
specific questions in mind, pray to focus during study, then really
ponder the scriptures and look for answers. It was really cool having a
member on the lesson too because she helped explain a lot of the
concerns our investigator had and gave a second witness to what we were
teaching. I really felt blessed with the Gift of Tongues- I know God is
helping me learn this language, there is NO WAY I could speak as well as
I do now all on my own. I'm so grateful for the many ways my Heavenly
Father allows me to grow and learn.
On Wednesday I came
back to Gdansk and we were able to have a beautiful lesson with a
less-active member in our branch. She is the first member I actually met
in Poland and she let's us call her our Polish Grandma. She made us
Naleśniki (pancakes) and we had a great time talking with her. Sometimes
she gets really sad so it's good to just be with her. I'm glad I've had
many different trials in my life, because I know they allow me to
sympathise with others. I know I don't always understand how other
people feel, nor would I pretend to, but I know that all our pains can
be healed through Christ. Some things take time (and I can see that a
lot in my own life), and it's always so important to have friends to
care for you and support you. I can't say enough how thankful I am that
we have the organisation of the Church, that allows everyone to be cared
for and aims to not let anyone get left behind. One thing we're really
trying to work on in the branch, is encourage the members to fulfil
their home and visiting teaching assignments. People just need to feel
loved! I know that when the members can learn to look out for each other,
the church will continue to strengthen and all will be blessed, by
being concerned for "the One" (Luke 15:4- "What man of you, having an
hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and
nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find
This week we also had Zone Conference and we got to
go to Warsaw! Elder Christopher Charles (an Area Seventy) and his wife
came and spoke to us about the missionary work and gave us a lot of
encouragement and inspired counsel. They're both converts to the church
and told us amongst many other things, how they came to know the church
is true. It was so good to hear from them bearing bold testimony of the
gospel. They told us of how one of the missionaries that taught them had
only been out for a very short time, and had prayed when he had opened
his mission call, that he would find a family that had been prepared to
teach the restored gospel to. It was humbling to hear or the kind of
missionaries that taught Elder and Sister Charles, and it really
encouraged me to make sure I'm the best missionary I can be- humble and
loving, yet bold and courageous enough to share the message with those
that my Father in Heaven has prepared. After the conference (and getting
to see so many of my missionary friends!) I got to stay in Warsaw with
Sisters Kuchar and Simkins and we managed to speak to a lady on the tram
about our message. It was again a miracle with how we were able to
speak Polish with her (and be understood!) and we were able to leave her
with a Book of Mormon. We hope she'll read it and want to find out more
:) We were able to talk a lot (Sister Kuchar was a great friend to me
in the MTC) and the next day (Sunday) I got to go to church there before
heading back to Gdansk. I got to meet a few of the members in their
ward and I was overcome with the Spirit and immense happiness as I sat
in Sacrament meeting. I felt the Lord touch my heart and comfort me. I
was looking around at all the families, the old and young, some people
who have no other family members in the church, and I just thought how
beautiful it is that we have the church in this country. I'm so grateful
that we have that chapel, and many other temporary places around Poland
for the saints
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