Me with my temporary companions in Bydgoszcz |
This is in Bydgoszcz last week- we set up a whiteboard asking what people's New Year's Resolutions were, and sung some hymns |
A group of German tourists came up and I got to speak to them a little bit! |
Ok so zuerst muss uch sagen dass ich die Deutsche
Sprache vermissen sehr!! haha Ok so for some reason this week, I was
thinking a lot about Germany and the language, and then I met a bunch of
different people that speak German!! Tender mercy from God- just to put
a smile on my face I guess :)
So on Monday to Wednesday I
was in Bydgoszcz for Zone Training- we went to the shopping centre and
just had an awesome time relaxing. In the evening the Zone Leaders and I
planned what we were going to teach for Training and on Tuesday, my
fellow Danzigers (my district in Gdansk) came down and we had a great
time! We wanted to bring up the story of Nephi and his brothers getting
the plates from Laban (in the Book of Mormon of course) and so instead
of just reading it, we decided to make a script and get the missionaries
to perform it as a play. It was pretty funny- we made a lot of
parralels to our missionary work in Poland and how we need to keep our
expectations and faith high!
Also on Tuesday, we went contacting
out in the cold- but no problem coz we met some awesome people!! One
man we spoke to said he was Catholic and we encourged him to let us
teach him more of our message. I said something about how we can't tell
him that it's true, but he can find out for himself. It was really cool
because then he brought up the point of how we can't "know" everything,
because that sort of ruins the point of faith, and we were like "YES
EXACTLY!". It was pretty cool to hear that point from a stranger. We
asked if we could have his number to keep in touch, and he said "Well, I
normally don't do this, but OK" It was super cool :D Ooh, then we got
to teach and investigator from Ukraine and I just found out 2 days ago
that she wants to get baptised! It's super awesome.
next day we did a singing/whiteboard finding activity and again got to
talk to some awesome people. At one point a big group of people came up
sort of just staring and not saying anything, but holding out money to
give us, and we were like "no, we don't want money!" haha then an elder
found out they were Germans!! So he called me over and I got to speak
with them for a bit and unfortunately it wasn't a very gospel orientated
conversation, but hopefully they'll remember the 'mormons' and look
more into it when they go back home. That night for New Years Eve, we
had to be inside our apartments early (
to avoid the ruckus outside. So my temporary companions Sisters Owen
and Antczak had pizza and put on facemasks and played cardgames, so it
was a great night :)
The next day we went to PoznaĆ and did
another Zone Training for the Szczecin and Poznan districts. That one
went really well and I enjoyed getting insight from other missionaries. I
love the way that our missionary work is so organised and how it helps
us all learn and grow so much. That night I came back to Gdansk with
just more motivation to get to work and find people to teach. I've
really been inspired and I hope to keep working on that. We have a few
potentials and hopefully can get to teaching them within the coming
week. One man we met contacting on the street, said "Just a moment, I'll
be back, I need to pay for parking" and so we were like "Did he really
just say that?" (I'm not trying to sound negative, but normally people
are like "mehhh, I'm not interested in your message" so we were sort of
shocked at his answer to us introducing ourselves!). SO we waited for a
couple of minutes, and we were starting to think maybe he was leaving us
hanging, but alas! He came back and we spoke to him and he said we
could teach him again! He was on his way to Warsaw but lives in Gdansk,
so hopefully we'll see him soon and talk to him more about the Gospel :)
week I learnt a lot about how important friends are :) I've been so
blessed to have friends from all over the world and love and support me,
and I only hope I can be that same friend back. I'm so grateful for my
family and the way I was raised. I wouldn't trade the experiences I've
had in life for anything else. I know life is sometimes hard- maybe even
harder than we think we can bear. But I know that when we push through,
really work through the struggles- we will come out stronger and truly
happier. I love you so much, thanks for always being there for me.
Love Siostra Grgich
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