And the card was super cute aww my little nieces :D Pinch their cheeks for me ;) |
I got my Christmas package and opened it haha ok so I've only eaten half a Tim-Tam packet, and I haven't opened the starbursts yet- I'll see if I can hold out til Christmas ;) |
We went tracting in this bulding with the steepest staircase ever! It's hard to see from the photo, but yeah, it was crazy! |
Ringing some doorbells |
Really cool view of the Solidarity (Solidarność) Museum in Gdańsk |
Hey Family!
I don't have a lot of time, but I'll tell you some highlights!
Well on Tuesday night we went tracting again (we pretty much go every evening now) and we got
let in! It's apparently not the most common thing ever, haha so we're trying to change that! So yeah, we were at a place not too far from our apartment, it was super cold outside (maybe 5 degrees celcius) and we were in a big apartment complex trying all the doors from top to bottom, hoping that someone might let us talk to them. Then we get to a door and a youngish man answers- and he's wearing an Australian T-shirt! Coincidence? I think not ;) So my companion introduces us, and I'm like "Hey I really like your t-shirt! I'm from Australia" and he's like "Please, come on in!" (this was in Polish by the way) and my companion and I look at eachother like "whaaaatt??" haha we were a little bit shocked to say the least. So he was looking after his young daughter, who, get this, was watching Bible Videos on the TV!! Super cool family! So anyway, we were able to have a little lesson, and we found out that he had actually met missionaries before and had a Book of Mormon but had never read it. Anyway, unfortunately since then, we haven't been able to meet again because they're not really interested, but nonetheless it was still a really cool experience for us both! Oh, then that night we came home and Sister Wood had her first Tim-Tam Slam and it was so delicious! Mmm I miss Australian chocolate- thanks family you're the best!
On Thursday we decided to try finding some people out in Sopot (one of the 3 cities in the "tricity area" which includes Gdansk and Gdynia) and it was so freezing cold and windy! We had a few interesting responses from people, but unfortunately didn't get any potentials to teach, so we'll keep trying and maybe stay closer to Gdansk. We did however get to take a nice lunch break with a view of the Baltic Sea, so that was really great! Oh yeah, and then there was also a little crazy moment with us tracting in Sopot in the evening; we got let into a house (via the domophone) but when we were finished, we couldn't get out and the gate was locked. So we had to go to the side and jump over the fence via a drainpipe :/ haha it was sort of awkward but we and the fence and drainpipe are ok!
On Friday we (our district) planned for a presention that we're going to give this Wednesday to a social sciences university class! We've been invited by a professor at the Gdansk University, and so we're very grateful to have such an opportunity of sharing our message first-hand with others. We're planning on using some videos from the church (there's one by Elder Holland explaining what the Book of Mormon is, and then we'll probably show an I'm A Mormon video). We're also going to be speaking in Polish, so I'll be sure to let you know how it all goes in my next week's email!
One of the things I'm most grateful for on my mission, is all the time I get for studying! We get 3 hours every morning (1 hour for personal study, 1 as a companionship and 1 for learning Polish) and I really try and milk out that time as effectively as possible. For the past couple of days I've been studying about baptism (particularly about need for authority, what baptism means, why we should do it, and what difference it makes in our lives). It's been so cool to see how my own understanding has deepened, and I've discovered that I absolutely love the Bible Dictionary and footnotes in the LDS version of the scriptures. We are so blessed to have those study helps!
Today my companion and I are going to the shops to buy some winter stuff (it's so cold here mum!!)- I already bought some boots a couple of weeks ago, but I think I need another sweater. Then I have a bit of letter writing to do because I got 3 letters from friends in my German ward (Solingen yay :D) and one awesome girl in Winston Hills ward- so I feel very loved right now with all my letters! It's also an elder's birthday today, so we'll probably play some games later at the chapel. I'm excited for another great week, and I hope you are all doing well and settling into the new home nicely! Say kako si to baba for me, and tell her I love her very much :)
Kocham was,Siostra Grgić
Tim-tam slamming |
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