At the Taggart's dinner table for Thanksgiving (US, not to be confused
with Canadian, which happens on a different day). The lighting was a bit
strange, so everything looks sort of angelic haha |
The painted roof at Gdynia's Main Station |
We had a film night at the chapel after English class (we watched Meet the Mormons with Polish subtitles). |
It started snowing! |
This last week we had the opportunity to teach 2 university classes about our church. It was a lot of fun, and it was an
especially special
experience for me, because I had actually done this a year ago for the
same teacher here in Gdansk. In comparing what it was like one year ago,
to just now, I can say that I am living evidence of the blessings of
God and His reality and presence in our lives. I know that I've been
blessed with the gift of tongues, and I can't believe how much I'm able
to say now, and how comfortable I feel in talking (particularly in
Polish, but even just the added confidence I have with
speaking is an improvement). I know I would not have been able to
accomplish the things I have, on my own. I have been strengthened
intellectualy, spiritually and emotionally as I have gone through so
many different experiences throughout the duration of my mission. I've
gone through a lot of trials, and I know that if God didn't allow me to
go through those trials then I would be weak, and for sure, I wouldn't
have been able to learn and grow as much as I have. Basically, we need
trials- they're essential. As unfortunate as it may seem, if we didn't
have them, then we'd never truly learn. So I'm grateful for my trials :)
Yesterday at church, a member was encouraging a bunch of us to "ponderise" (remember that
I'm a little ashamed because I haven't been doing it- but now I am, so
hey, all is well! There's a girl in our branch who's almost 9 years old.
We're both working on learning a verse from the Book of Mormon (in
Polish) this week, and we're going to check up on each other come
next Sunday. My verse is Alma
(it's about the universal ressurection). I'm excited about doing this
with her, and I hope we can continue to check up on each other for many
weeks to come. Children are so important, it's said time and time again,
but somehow the human race just seems to forget it. It's the youth of
the Church who are it's future. It's so important that they too are
nurtured by the good word of God. I feel so honoured to know so many
great youth and children, and I want to my best to make sure that I'm
always influencing them for good and encouraging them to make the best
use of their precious time on this earth. I have been so greatly
influenced by my parents, leaders, teachers and other adults of my
childhood, so I feel it is only right to continue being that support and
example for the next generation. I know that the Lord needs us all to
help and uplift one another, everyone plays a part in His plan, and we
all have responsibilities and abilities to do so.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy the beginning of Christmas month! :D