I went to the temple today and
it was so awesome! I just had the best experience ever. After the
session, my companion and I spent some time reflecting in the Celestial
room, and we both had such a precious, beautiful time of personal
revelation, and I'm so glad that I got to ask my companion about things,
because she's such an amazing, scholarly thinker. I love it!
So mum I got your Dear Elder letter yesterday and it made me
so happy to see a letter on my desk after a long, hard day of work and
study. That is so cool that Brother Carroll is still here! Now that I
know that, I'll look out for him when I go to the field or temple haha.
And yes I've been writing to Georg (the Polish man that's been coming to
my ward) and he's really been helping me with my Polish! Ok so onto my
Well Sunday was really nice, and everyone complemented us on
our song. It was a little hard doing it acapella, but I think it worked
out okay! I'm so excited for Poland, because as soon as I get there I'm
going to buy a guitar and/or ukulele and I can't wait to learn some more
hymns/uplifting songs. We keep getting speakers for our
and Sunday devotionals who talk about music, and it just makes me happy
to know that other people love music as much as I do (and probably even
So yesterday we got to Skype with a member in Poland, and my
companion and I decided to talk about the first principles and
ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a really cool
experience, and the girl we spoke to was super helpful and encouraging.
It made me happy to be going to serve amongst such choice spirits, and
now I hope I get to serve in Bydgoszcz (where she's from). Our teachers
keep telling us cool stories from their missions in Poland, and it
always gets me super excited. Sometimes I wonder where I'll get called
to serve in my first area in Poland, but then again it really doesn't
matter, because I know I can help people wherever I am, even here at the
So there's a sport/game they play here called 'four square',
and it's sort of like when we played playground handball, but instead of
a tennis ball, it's with a bigger, soft ball. So a few days ago, I was
getting ready to play (just standing in my square) and then the
tallest/biggest Elder in the gym (who was playing an intense game of
basketball I assume) ran into the back of me accidentally, and it
seriously felt like a car ran into me. I was fine at first, but the next
day everything in my body was aching and it was really hurting. So as I
was really considering going to the doctor (but freaking out at the
same time because I didn't want anything to be majorly wrong), a Sister
in the room next to ours told me she could try and fix my back. She's no
professional but I was just in so much pain so I begged her to try and
fix me. After about 20 minutes my back felt so much better and when I
woke up the next morning I felt like my bones were back in place. I'm so
grateful for tender mercies like that, that show me God is looking out
for me.
Yesterday we taught our investigator Jacek, a lesson on the
Law of Chastity. We had planned this lesson for a long time, and worked
really hard on it, so we were so excited to teach it. Just before the
lesson, we found out that we only had 10 minutes to teach, instead of
our normal 20 minutes. It was really hard at first for us to have to
adjust with the short notice, but once we prayed and went into our
lesson with him, we felt the Spirit so much, and I knew that God gave us
the very words to say in the very hour we needed them- like he has
promised. My companion gave a beautiful testimony (I'm so incredibly
grateful for her) and I really learnt a lot from the lesson. I love how
many skills I'm learning here, and I wish I had time to tell you more
stories, but I'm unfortunately running out of time. It's ok though,
because I'm sure you're learning a lot too back home- we always have new
things to learn so long as we look out for them!
I hope you're all feeling better with all those sicknesses
going around! You won't believe it mum, but I actually haven't been sick
ONE time since being here in the MTC- it's crazy! Normally I'm the
first person to get sick (and multiple times a year), but knock on wood,
I'm still going strong :) It must be that super healthy MTC food I've
been eating... ;)
Ok, I'll send some photos now! Love you so much
Siostra Grgich
Sunday walking, outside the MTC! |
My companion and I with an Elder that's just left for the Frankfurt Germany mission (woo!) |
My companion Siostra Smith, myself and Siostra Kuchar on the field. (I bought a Poland shirt hehe) |
Look, we're just so excited to teach the Law of Chastity haha, but
really! (if you ever get a chance to look at the pamphlet for that,
please do because the photos are gems!) |
A lesson plan on Prophets, that my companion and I worked really hard on
(one of our new investigators is really tough to teach, but we have
faith!). |
One of the sisters next door, toilet-papered the exit of our residence room for Sister Kuchar's birthday :D |
Two of those elders are twins- both speaking Polish, one going to Poland
and the other going to England (pretty cool!). And the other elder is
an Aussie, going to Bulgaria, and then there's of course Sister Bak! |
Siostra Bak sleeping on the bench |
Some of the Polish Sisters whom I love so dearly! |
Outside Provo Temple on our Sunday walk. The Elder next to me is now in
the Sydney North Mission, so look out for an Elder Hsu, mum! |